Saturday, October 16, 2010

Crazy Credit Repair Collection Facts


Many collections is not valid

Many people in credit repair programs are facing some level of collection activity Between phone calls, dunning. letters and often cryptic list of debts that appears on credit reports, it can be problematic to identify legitimate debts and determine the best approach.

A unique Breed of Collector

There is a unique breed of collectors who have specialised in buying and given notice to antique collection accounts; debt over seven years old. [citation needed] these accounts are unattractive to the first level the collector, as they are in addition to the Statute of limitation for enforcement through the courts. They are also, in addition to the credit Bureau reporting period limit.

Profiting from ignorance

Of interest to anyone in a credit repair program means the debt age, litigation can be neutralized by the Statute of limitation defence, and any threat of reporting to credit agencies is not valid. The lack of legal leverage does not stop these collectors from energetic practice their craft.These last chance collectors actually represents the most profitable part of the industry in the collection!

Credit Repair training pays

What is their secret? They prey on consumers, who do not know their rights. If you are contacted by a collector for an old debt just examine the Statute of limitation, check out the reporting period, the limit, and send the purchaser a cease communication letter. they will disappear forever. There are many great credit repair resources online.A little training goes well!

Another common peculiarity

While a little bit of credit repair training can arm you with the knowledge you need to overcome these collectors of antique debt, there is another type of collection account, which can be eliminated quickly with a dispute letter, if you know what to look for …

Compliance errors

A significant percentage of all collections on credit reports fall in a very special category. these accounts are everywhere. only the Left can linger in the year, in some cases decades.They have the power to the dumped imports credit dozens of their unfortunate victims, often dramatically.And they should not reporting.

Failure to leave the

Collectors buy and sell debt.In the last decade, this practice has become banal, and much more frequent.Many collectors will sell an account in as little as six months, if it does not pay.When an account is sold is presumed the collector to leave all credit bureau reporting.Unfortunately, this does not happen often, and even a small. credit repair could eliminate the offending account altogether.

Credit Repair Solution

If you have collections on your credit report, it is fairly safe to you are the victim of this type of defunct account. Credit repair is the answer. the first and most obvious indication is the presence of more than one collection account for the same debt. If you investigate your credit report and find more collections for the same debt, is all but an erroneous. and the last is a possibly also!

Value of supervisory

Given the speed at which collectors assembly line their portfolio, these days it is entirely realistic., that even the most recent collection on your report are in error. When you remove all duplicates, you must examine the last, most recent, account. it may be justified, but if the reporting date is more than six months, or if you have been contacted by a different page collects the reporting date, it may be a candidate for credit repair. good luck!

Copyright © 2010 Sky Blue Credit Repair. all content. all rights reserved.

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