Having a credit problem is serious business, and fixing that problem should be done in a business-like manner. Picking up the phone and yelling at the lender's customer support representative is not going to help repair your credit; in fact, it may make it worse. However, writing a concise, professional letter may well do the job. A simple credit repair letter can help you in a variety of ways.
Reduce your debt by negotiating repayment plans with your lenders, in writing. Debt negotiation letters can settle your debts, and erase bad credit, for a fraction of what you currently owe. Your lenders will always want to recoup some of their losses, as opposed to having to write all of off your bad debt. A simple letter can be very powerful in reducing the amount of money you owe, and perhaps avoid bankruptcy for you.
A well-crafted letter can also stop collection agencies and attorney debt collectors from harassing you. It is your right to not be called in the middle of the night or while you are at work. These companies sometimes "buy" your debt from the original lender, for a percent of the value. Get these annoying parasites out of your life by putting it in writing.
Stop identity theft with a fraud alert letter. If you suspect that an ID thief is using your personal identifying information to open a new credit account for their personal gain, place an "initial fraud alert" on all three of your credit reports (TransUnion, EquiFax, and Experian). This can only be done if you feel your personal information has been compromised. The initial fraud alert letter requires that lending institutions call you at the phone number listed on your credit report to confirm any new transactions, effectively stopping any new ID theft, at least for the next 90 days.
Raise your credit score by removing inaccurate or negative information from your credit report. Write to the credit bureau that is distributing the bad information, and spell out exactly why the data should be deleted from your report. Perhaps you have paid off a loan that your report shows as outstanding. Always include any copies of proof you may have, such as cancelled checks showing timely payments. It never hurts to include the consequences that have resulted from the credit bureau including the inaccurate information as well.
Be sure to make a copy of all credit repair letters and any attachments for your own files. It is all good evidence that you are working to establish a good line of communication with your creditors.
The impact of your credit repair letters will not be instantaneous. But in a month or so you will likely find that your credit report will reflect the requested changes, that the identification theft has stopped, or that your lenders are negotiating in good faith with you in good faith to reduce your debt. Keep in mind that you are repairing not only your credit, but also your good name and reputation. The pen is mightier than the sword.
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